Dr Samuel Hahnemann
Three Cured Cases
Homeopathy is replete with beautiful cured cases, including heavy pathology and psychiatric symptoms. Here I have chosen three that I particularly like. Each shows the science and skillful art required to cure as only homeopathy can – without suppressing. Suppressing might give relief, at best, but it often comes at a price.
First case
A beautiful case of a man cured by Hahnemann when a teenager is retold by Dr Luc de Schepper in his book Hahnemann Revisited (page xx). The man tells of his experience being treated by Hahnemann in Paris. There are three examples of this story, which I shall present below, but Dr Luc’s is nice for a number of reasons. The source for his story was the late historian of homeopathy, Julian Winston. The story is as follows:
This portrait of Hahnemann was done by Gilbert Temple, of Iowa, from an authentic engraving of Hahnemann and in the collection of Julian Winston. On the reverse of the picture, de Schepper tells us, is the following message:
This portrait (above) of Samuel Hahnemann is believed to be the best likeness in existence. The original engraving of which this is a copy, having come into my possession in 1838 when I was 15 years old. It was given to me because I had been a patient of Hahnemann, the circumstances being as follows:
I was born in Paisley, Scotland, December 1823. When 12 years old I contracted a sever cold which proved to be the beginning of serious pulmonary trouble. After having been confined to a bed for a year, I was finally sent to Paris in 1836 when I was thirteen years old, that I might be put under Hahnemann’s treatment. There had been much question as to whether it was possible for me to make the trip, but it was accomplished by easy stages, including a rest of two weeks in London. These two weeks were spent at the house of the Queen’s physician, Sir Andrew Clark, who examined me carefully. I overheard him say to his wife that he doubted if they ever got me to Paris, but if they did, they would never get me out again.
Upon my arrival in Paris, Hahnemann subjected me to a very thorough examination, lasting about an hour and a half, at the end of which he announced I could be cured, but that it would take considerable time. This opinion was justified by subsequent events, for I was restored to health, but only after I had been under his care for nine months. Owing to circumstances unnecessary to detail, I was at his office frequently and spent a good deal of time there, sometimes remaining as long as half a day. This unusual and prolonged association with him and his work of necessity mad me familiar with his face and ways.
Some two years after my return to Scotland, Dr Geddes M. Scott, a physician of wealth and high standing in Glasgow who had become a convert to Homeopathy, went to Paris to see Hahnemann. Upon his return he showed ma an engraving of Hahnemann which he had brought with him, and asked me what I thought of it. I said at once that the likeness could not be better and Dr Scott then said that was his opinion also. He gave me two copies and this photograph is from a negative made from one of them. This negative was obtained only after repeated efforts and with the aid of an artist as well as the photographer, and is wholly successful in catching the likeness and expression both of the engraving and of Hahnemann himself as I knew him well in his later years.
It is no small pleasure to one who not only holds Hahnemann in grateful remembrance, but who reveres him both as a physician and a man, to be able to place in the hands of his followers so authentic and lifelike a portrait. – John B. Young, 527 Ninth Ave., Clinton, Iowa
Dr Richard Haehl in his Life and Letters of Hahnemann, Vol 2, recounts the story thus (available here and here):
Another Story of a Cure
(Narrated by the “Leipzig. Pop. Zeitschr. fiir Homoopathie,” 1895, in Vol. 76, page 49, and taken from ” A Reminiscence of Hahnemann ” in the “Medical Advance” of 1898)
In the year 1837, a young boy named John B. Young, aged 12 years, came from Scotland to Hahnemann, in Paris, for treatment. He had been ill for two years and the physicians in attendance had given him up. A rich Scotch lady took pity on him, and taking him to Paris with her, put him under the care of Hahnemann. After nine months treatment he was able to leave France as cured. Mr. Young was introduced to the students of the Homoeopathic Medical College in Chicago in the year 1893. In the following we give his own account of his illness and treatment:
“On the second day after my arrival in Paris, Hahnemann visited me in my apartment and his examination lasted roughly an hour and a half. I had to remain in bed and Hahnemann examined me so minutely, as no other doctor had hitherto done. He made me count from one to a hundred, put an instrument on my chest, and afterwards on my back and percussed me in a manner that had never been done before. Then he declared that he now knew that I had come to him in time, and that he would be able to cure me.
“I did not receive much medicine. I had to take, perhaps, four doses in the twenty-four hours. As regards the impression that Hahnemann made upon me, I remember that his face had a laminous expression. He gave me the impression, I might almost say, of a divine being, because there was something spiritual in his appearance. Without a doubt he was also a good man because I was told that he frequently said to his patients, that he was doing his best, but he was only an instrument; ‘God would have to give his blessing.'”
As the patient later on had to present himself to Hahnemann at intervals, he was questioned regarding the general appearance of the house, and whether many patients came during his consulting hours.
He related the following regarding those questions: “Hahnemann had a large consulting room and had two sets of consulting hours in succession. At the time when I came during his consulting hours, there were sometimes sixty or more people present who were seeking his advice.”
To the question whether foreigners came to Paris to consult Hahnemann, Young replied that during the nine months of his treatment he had met with patients from Germany, America, Russia, and also several from his own country. Almost all had been in a condition similar to his, that is, they had been given up by their own physicians, so that it seemed to him as if this were a place where miracles were accomplished .
“I actually saw several whom Hahnemann saved from death and cured, as was the case with me. I would like to mention one more thing; I naturally owed much gratitude to my benefactress who had brought me to Pans, and this lady, before her departure, demanded an account from Hahnemann for his medical assistance. But he would on no account accept any money from this lady, saving that she had incurred sufficient expense and had had enough worry with the poor boy, and that he did not wish to be less kind than herself. I think, of course, that Hahnemann later on received a present from this lady that was worth more than my account would have been.”
T.L. Bradford’s Report of Young’s Cure
Another variation of the story of the cure of John Young is available in The Life and Letters of Dr Samuel Hahnemann by Thomas Lyndsley Bradford, MD. (link). Bradford’s account:
The following is an account of his treatment of a patient in 1837:
Under the title of “A Reminiscence of Hahnemann,” an account is given in the Medical Advance, for April, 1893, of the presentation of a patient of Hahnemann to the students of the Hering Medical College of Chicago, February 23, 1893.
The name of this gentleman is John B. Young, of Clinton, Iowa. He was taken from Paisley in Scotland to Paris, and was placed under Hahnemann’s care when he was twelve years of age. He had previously been ill for two years, and had been given up by his physicians, when a charitable lady took him to Paris by short stages.
“You went from London to Paris?”
“Yes, I went from London to Paris.”
“When you arrived in Paris, did you go to see Hahnemann, or did Hahnemann come to see you ?”
“He came to see me the second day after my arrival, and gave me an examination that lasted about an hour and a half.”
“Did he strip you?”
“Yes, I had to go to bed. He went over me more thoroughly than I have ever been gone over before or since”
Dr. Allen: “And still it is said that Hahnemann was a symptomatologist, and usually prescribed for symptoms; and rarely made a physical examination.”
Mr. Young: “He would make me count one, two, three, etc., tip to one hundred, and put an instrument to my chest and did the same to my back, and he did more thumping of my chest than I ever had before.”
“He said he knew that I had come to him in time and he could cure me.”
“Did he give you very much medicine?”
“Not a very great deal, I think I had medicine about four times a day at first, including what I got at night.”
“What was your impression of Hahnemann?”
“The first impression made on my mind when I saw him was that his face had a luminous expression. He looked more to me, as I would call it, a divine man – there was divinity about his appearance. He was a good man undoubtedly, and I was informed that he often when he gave his medicine said to his patients that he was but the instrument, that he did the best be could and then they must look to God for the blessing.”
“At that time were there many patients visiting Hahnemann at his office, and what was the size of his office?”
“He had a very large room, and when I was there he had some two hours that he met counsel patients. There were generally sixty or more patients at any time in his office when I was there.”
“Were there any foreigners at that time who came to Hahnemann?”
“Oh, many of them. I became acquainted with quite a number of his patients. I had been there quite a while and there were patients there from America, and Germany, and Russia, and a number from my own country, and they were there from all parts of the world, and there were a great many who expressed themselves to me in this way, that they had not gone to Hahnemann until they were in the last stage of the disease and had been given up by their regular physician.
“Hahnemann got them when, like me, they were pretty nearly gone, so that it looked to me more like a place where miracles were being performed than any place in which I have ever been, and numbers he brought from death into health.”
“He finally cured you?”
“Yes, I came home strong.”
“How long were you under his care?”
“About nine months. There is one thing I would like to tell about him.
“Of course I was indebted to Miss Sterling for being taken to Paris and placed under his care, and just before she left Paris she wanted to settle with Dr. Hahnemann, and of course under ordinary circumstances it would have been a large bill she would have had to pay.
“Hahnemann refused to make a bill, and when she insisted he said: ‘Madam, do you think you have more benevolence than I have? Do you suppose that you should have had all the trouble and anxiety and expense of bringing him from Paisley and that I should then charge anything.'”
He says, “I suppose he received a present that was worth more than the bill. That was the disposition of the woman. Mrs. Hahnemann, the young wife was there to assist. It was in 1837. I was put on diet, a special diet for morning and evening. I had babies’ food; that is, bread and milk and sugar. The bread was cut up in small pieces and boiled milk poured over it with sugar and allowed to stand a while and soak soft, and I had that for my morning and evening meals.
All stimulants were forbidden. He gave the orders for my meals. I do not know that I should reveal his private affairs, but I was going to say that Hahnemann was an inveterate smoker. I have seen his young wife fill his pipe for him many times.
Cancer of Uterus Cured
Second case
Another favourite and beautiful case is related by Dr John Henry Clarke, MD in his little gem of a book The Prescriber, (pp. 55-58 and free to view at homeoint.org. Note; the account below seems only to be available in the British ninth edition, published by Homeopathic Book Service, Sittingbourne, UK. Available: Minerva).
The case of uterine cancer illustrates the beautiful dynamic, elegance and fluidity in a homeopathic cure. Clarke, in discussing the importance of past history and the effects of vaccination, relates the case as follows:
Indications from Heredity and History
Again, in the process of “digesting” our case, there is the question of heredity, and of the possible presence of “chronic miasms,” as Hahnemann termed them, the number of which have been added to since his day.
In my work these play a very important part in case-taking, especially in chronic cases. I always “fish” for them, and generally find one or more than one. If a case has “never been the same” since an attack of influenza,” whatever else I may give the Tuberculin of Koch is certain to have a run. If there is consumption or pulmonary trouble in the history, Bacillinum is generally given in one or more potencies. If cancer is thrown up in the history, Carcinosin, or one of the numerous other nosodes of cancer may be called for to clear up the symptoms. And perhaps more frequently than any the “Tree of Life” – Thuja occidentalis. I have written somewhere that the old axiom, “when in doubt give Sulphur,” has given place for me to “When in doubt give Thuja.” Thuja is, of course, a sycotic and corresponds to the wart producing constitution.
Among the questions all patients who come to me have to answer is “How many times have you been vaccinated? When last? and did it take?” Thuja is the leading agent to clear the way for other remedies when there is any active vaccinal taint present, and nowadays the taint is pretty newly universal.
Thuja is also the chief antidote to the effects of Tea, which we all drink. So, in all chronic cases, “When in doubt give Thuja,” if the more mechanical symptom-matching has not thrown up a clear indication for something else.
Here I cannot do better than cite a case which illustrates this point in case-taking, and though it comes from a lay source – if a Church dignitary can be called a layman – it is none the worse for that. The role of Physician and Padre were united not many centuries ago, and when Man has recovered his lost knowledge of Himself, it is probable that they will be united again. Here at any rate is the experience, and I give it because it is better than anything which I have handy of my own.
[Clarke writes] My very good friend, Canon Roland Upcher, Rector of Stradbroke in Norfolk, sent the article containing it [the case] in the form of a letter to The Homœepathic World and it was headed “Consumption and Vaccination.” Here is the letter:
Re. Dr. Fergie Wood’s remarks, Homœopathic World, August 1924, about the probable existence and action of Consumption and Vaccinosis miasmata in the human system to be reckoned with in dealing with disease: This I have proved as fact, on several occasions, and I wish to record one remarkable case, which came under my notice and cure. A woman fifty years of age, was taken into a certain hospital in a former parish of mine suffering from great pain, in the lower abdomen with vomiting, she was unable to keep any food down.
Canon Upcher’s case of cancer
Two eminent surgeons from a certain county town met the three local practitioners in consultation. They unanimously diagnosed the case as undoubtedly cancer of the stomach. The X-ray was not used. But as it was in so difficult a position it was judged too dangerous to operate upon; and the poor woman was sent home to die. However, not without a second consultation at her home. Result – the first diagnosis was confirmed.
The woman was in such a desperate condition, that she could only lie in bed and groan. She neither could take any food nor retain nor pass anything.
Under these circumstances, I determined to see whether Homœopathy could do any good.
First Question: “Have you any history of consumption in your family?”
Answer : “Yes! My brother and sister both died of consumption.”
Second Question : “Have you ever been re-vaccinated?”
Answer : “Yes; about five years ago, and I have never been well since.”
Third Question: “Did you ever have a bad fall, or blow in your stomach?”
Answer: “Not lately”
But did you “EVER have a bad Fall?”
Answer : “Yes; when I was about seventeen or eighteen, I fell off a swing on to my stomach.”
Now follows the treatment according to Homœopathy.
In the first place I had to knock down two stone walls before the indicated remedy could get through to the local mischief.
The first wall was that of Consumption. Received 5 globules of Bacillinum 30 in single dose. Called three days afterwards, found the woman gone out, had walked a mile and a half down to the town.
Next day she was greatly excited, so I called again.
“Well, Mrs. F., are you mad? What have you been doing, going out walking to town ?”
Answer: “Well, sir, I felt, and still feel, so much better; I can eat and drink and keep it down, and I have less pain.”
Wall No. 1 knocked down.
Next came the Vaccinal wall and she received two doses, one drop of Thuja Ø, twenty-four hours apart.
Called at the end of the week. The woman met me at the door with “Please, sir, a discharge has set in !”
“Good gracious! Where from?” “Please, sir, from the womb!”
This discharge continued for a week and the tumour in the abdomen, with outside swelling nearly as big as a football, slowly subsided.
But as the woman appeared so weak and prostrate with the discharge, I got frightened and judged it well to antidote the Thuja, so administered Pulsatilla 30, one dose.
Next day the discharge ceased and the tumour immediately began to swell up again.
Question? Is wall No. 2 knocked down?
Cannot tell, but anyhow the woman is a “Daisy”: so I will try the Homœopathic rule and give her some “Daisy.” Anyhow, it is God’s remedy for bruises. (Why? Because the more the Daisy is cut, trampled on and bruised the better it grows.)
She accordingly received three drops of Bellis Perennis Ø (mother tincture), and I left her with the remark, ‘I think you will find that will do your “belly” good!’
Unable to visit again for a week. When I had to go into the woman’s neighbourhood to take a Confirmation class, called, found the woman washing clothes in back kitchen.
“Well, how are you, Mrs. F?”
“Quite well, thank you, sir!”
“Quite well?!! How’s that?”
“Well, sir, three days after you gave me that last dose, I had a great bearing down as if I was going to have a baby and THAT thing all came away, 4lb. of it, and I and my husband buried it in our garden!”
Reflection. The two stone walls, having been knocked down by Bac. and Thuja, Bellis was able to get through and do its work. – Q.E.D.
This happened fifteen years ago and the woman is still alive and flourishing. (Article ends)
(Clarke then continues) Here again, as Hahnemann put it, the name of the disease was no concern of the prescriber, and the name of the medicine was no concern of the patient. But the former got the true picture of the invisible disorder of the vital force in his imagination, whether the academicals had given it the right name or not. And his knowledge of the powers of drugs to bring about a like disorder enabled him to counter the morbid vibrations in the order of their origin. The consumptive tendency the patient brought into the world with her. The vaccinal taint was super-imposed on that, and re-imposed still later. The traumatism came after the first vaccination and before the second.
In a complicated case of this kind the most urgent and active of the miasms or causes is generally the first to be tackled.
Then, in addition to the miasms, or chronic disease poisons, there is the highly important question of Causation. This may prove the leading indication and if recent, the only one. Accidents and shocks, physical mental and emotional, are highly important points to be considered in remedy selecting. The remedy which meets these may clear up the entire case, or it may clear away the traumatic element and leave the course open for remedies than are more directly indicated by the symptoms.
Let us take an example from Arnica. One day I accidentally ran a piece of wire into my thumb, resulting in very acute pain, as was natural. I had a small vial of Arnica Ø at hand, and removing the cork, placed the injured point over the mouth of the vial and inverted the bottle so that the tincture came into immediate contact with it. The pain vanished, seeming to travel up the arm and away, and there was an end to the trouble.
In a case of traumatism it is very important to get the remedy in action without delay. I have known Arnica given instantly in the case of falls when nothing was broken or dislocated, remove all trouble almost as completely as in the case of the punctured wound. Ends
(The Presciber is a gem. A homeopath may or may not find the therapeutics section helpful but the philosophy which precedes it – some 69 pages – is useful. Short and concise paragraphs on The Invisible Nature of Disease, Case-taking, The Materia Medica, The Genius Epidemicus, Kinds and Degrees of Similarity etc. make this a forgotten treasure!)
A Patient Summoned by Death and Left by All Other Schools of Therapeutics
Third case
My third favourite case is from the late Dr Harimohan Choudhury of Kolkata (pictured), India. I spent some time with this gentlest of men. He read the Organon of Medicine every month without fail and translated it into Bengali. He was the first to make fifty millesimal potencies and never used anything but 50 millesimals. I have a collection which, after nearly thirty years, are still good remedies and all hand-succussed. His sons still practice and provide remedies. (See Homeopathy International – the url is “LMpotency.com” but in lower case looks like something else…)
This case is touching and shows the social side to medicine and is told in 50 Millesimal Potency in Theory and Practice by Dr Harimohan Choudhury; case 2, pp. 70-74. The case, titled, “A Patient Summoned by Death and Left by All Other Schools of Therapeutics”, is as follows:
11 July 1968. Mr. Barua. Aged 23. A bit dark. oily complexioned. Strong and flabby constitution. Hair thick, black and curly. Appearance pale, nose a bit flat. Eyes reddish but rather turbid, chest flat, nails healthy.
He was admitted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital seven days ago. He was put on a bed fenced with iron railings. In spite of this precaution he leapt out during fits. Fits last for fourteen to sixteen hours between twenty four hours. He shouts ‘my head is gone’, when consciousness revives. Drowsy sometimes. He did not pass stool even once during the last seven days. He passed red and odorous urine twice or thrice. Sometimes he sweats, but fever does not abate. The sweat smells foul. Fever does not come down below 101 °F and goes up to 104.4 °F. Rise and fall of temperature are irregular. We get 103.2 °F at 8 p.m. The pulse beat is 126. The heart beat is so too. Lungs are clear. Sometimes he sighs deeply even while in drowsy condition. As regards diet, juice of fruits, water of sugar candy have to be forced in. Lower part of the abdomen is hard and painful. Great flatulence in the belly. Tongue flabby and white, dry, thirst seldom, but he takes two oz. if he drinks at all. Covering is unbearable, throws away the cover. Restlessness and quite silence alternately. I collected the above facts when I attended the patient at 8 p.m. at the call of Dr. Mutsuddy, an old and experienced allopathic doctor of Chittagong .
We saw the Discharge Certificate, received from the Medical College Hospital. There was written on it, “Cranial Tumor, advised to consult Jinnah Medical College Hospital for further investigation”. It was learnt that fourteen times X-rays of the head, chest and stomach of the patient were taken. The M.R.C.P’s and F.R.C.S’s among the authorities of the Medical College met thrice in the Medical Board.
No treatment was advised except glucose injection. The doctors told the relatives of the patient with this remark in the Discharge Certificate: such one case is not found even in a Lac. Patients do not generally survive under such conditions. Moreover, brain operation is not executed in our country. He will not live even if he is sent to West Pakistan .
There is some hope if he could be taken to Jurich, but he will succumb to death before arrangement is made to send him there. The doctors told the guardians of the patient all these in front of him. They thought that he was unconscious. But he was not so except that his eyes were closed. So his condition became worse knowing of his sure death.
The cry of ‘my head is gone’ has been explained by the foreign qualified doctor as such – the patient shouts because of acute pain due to tumor in the cranium and loses his consciousness, when the pain becomes intolerable. The cause of ‘losing sense’ for the greater period of the day is the excruciating pain of the tumor.
I told Dr Mutsuddy after the collection of these datas, “Dear brother, how does the patient sleep if the state of senselessness comes from pain due to tumor? Please see now that he is in sound sleep”. The doctor did not give any reply to my query. It seems to me that there is one tumor in the mind of the patient and another one in the cranium. That’s why he leaves a deep sigh before the revival of consciousness. So it is suspected to be a case of globus hysteria. The doctor kept silent.
Then we came to learn from the guardians that he got a tremendous shock when all his properties were stolen. In addition to this his mother scolded him and advised him to work hard for his livelihood. Then he left the house. “I produce crops with the sweat of my brow. Where is the justification to carry on cultivation if I am not allowed to enjoy the food earned with my strenuous labor?”
To crown all, many of his mates, being educated are engaged in service. He would express his unwillingness, on many occasions, to carry on cultivation (within their knowledge). Leaving home, the patient visited many places from Rangunia to Ukhia. Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar and other places. He did not see his elder brother out of anger and sorrow. Being unsuccessful, he came back to Chittagong and took the job of a bus assistant. On 4th July, he went to Dhum on bus on the day of his appointment. On his return from Dhum when petrol fell short in the car, he drank some petrol at the time of drawing it with a plastic tube. At dead of night on that day, the bus driver left him at the residence of his maternal uncle in the town. On the next day (15 July, 1968 ) he was admitted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital. He was released today with the summon of death stated before.
Next, I learnt from the wife of his elder brother that he loved an educated girl, daughter of a rich man of his village. He squanders money to please the girl on the one hand and moves with charming dresses on like a rich man. At last when the father of the girl came to know of it, he took her to Chittagong Hill Tracts, because he could not agree to his daughter’s marriage to such a boy. Besides, friends of the locality informed him that it was in vain to run after the girl, as her father would, under no circumstances give him the daughter in marriage. The patient was depressed after he had come to know of it. The incident of theft, the behavior of his mother and swallowing of petrol on the very first day of his appointment and at the top of everything, the blow he received from his disappointed love affairs led us to declare unhesitatingly to all including the allopathic physician present there – ‘This patient will surely cope round (though from the first report I was not sure of success). Because he is haunted more by the mental tumor than by the tumor in the brain, the tumor in the brain will not exist if that of the mind is gone. Please don’t lose your patience.”
Then from the early history of the patient I gathered that he had suffered once from Chicken Pox, once from Malaria, was vaccinated twice. Still his health was on the whole good, since boyhood. From family history it was known that the father suffered from Rheumatism and mother from Leucorrhoea.
The patient was very active when he was in health, jolly, wayward and self-conceited. He remains neat and clean but careless. He is fond of mates and songs. He prefers bath for all the year round. I could not gather anything special by questioning the patient. He only points to his belly and head. His eyes become full of tear if anything is asked of him. It seems he is hopeless of his life. I then told all to convince him, “You had been attended to by the famous doctors of the city. The doctors of the Medical College failed to diagnose your malady. You have no tumor inside the head. You will be cured within three or four days.” I also said to him, “This girl will be yours. She will be brought here for marriage with you after your recovery. We shall send men tomorrow morning to bring the girl down here from the Hill Tracts.” We noticed that the eyes and face of the patient beamed with gushes of joy when he had heard me. His relatives were a bit assured.
With a view to further observation, I put eight doses of placebos to be in four oz. vial for he day and the day following to be taken after every three or four hours after succussion for ten times.
The medicine for consolation went on, “You have no disease. We shall arrange marriage of that girl with you.”
Here I am glad to inform to my learned readers that from that day on improvement was noticed with the placebo only. On the 4th day the temperature is only 100 °F. Fits are only four hours in place of fourteen hours. Deep sighing at longer intervals for twenty hours, and more cheerful than before.
13 July 1968
Ignatia amara – LM/6, eight doses, 10 succussions, to be taken after every six hours. Sorrowfulness, hopelessness, mental shock with long sigh, etc., are the main symptoms of this medicine.
15 July 1968
No fever. Stool and urine normal, mental improvement is constant. Ignatia amara – LM/7 after every seven hours.
18 July 1968
More relieved, body painful, stool little constipation. Natrum muriaticum – LM/2, two doses daily, eight succussions.
23 July 1968.
Round in all directions. Smiling attitude. But fever comes at 10 a.m. and subsides at night, again fever this morning at 10-30 attended with shivering, blisters on the lips. No stool for two days. Thirst great, tongue dry.
Medicine: Natrum Muriaticum – LM/3, two doses a day, eight succussions.
27 July 1968
Rheumatic pain. No other trouble. No more fever from the day before. Thuja Occidentalis – LM/4, one dose daily. Thuja helps to cure Rheumatism, bad effects of vaccination and hereditary Sycosis.
After the use of Thuja Occidentalis upto LM/11 itches full of pus appeared on the body of the patient. On the basis of totality of symptoms I gave Sulphur from LM/1 to LM/4. The patient is in health upto the present time, i.e., upto 18.03.1971. No further trouble. His marriage ceremony was solemnized on the 16th February 1971 and I was invited to enjoy. Homoeopathy thus cured a patient on the “throes of death.”