homeopathy and pandemics

Pandemics: What Dr Hahnemann Knew (pp. 131. €15)

Pandemics: What Dr Hahnemann Knew


Preface 1
Enlightening the Homeopathy Witch Hunters 5
Science Fraud and Misconduct 15
Samuel Hahnemann and his Influence on Medical Thought 20
Churches Oppose Mandatory Vaccination 34
The Madness of Yellow Fever Vaccine 45
Shingles Jab Proves Homeopathy 57
Genetics, Autism and Homeopathy 59
The Curious Cure of Solzhenitsyn’s Cancer 67
Organ Donation: Over My Dead Body! 74
Pandemics: What Dr Hahnemann Knew 79
Suggested Further Reading 132

From the back cover

Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) understood pandemics. He and his followers have successfully treated many pandemics, even in recent times. Governments from India and Brazil to Cuba are using homeopathy to prevent Covid-19. Hahnemann’s discovery of the law of cure and an essential but overlooked aspect of Jenner’s smallpox vaccine explain why a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is not a panacea for Covid-19.

These articles reassess Hahnemann’s contribution to medicine vis-a-vis modern genetics, criticism of homeopathy by some in the medical profession, the assault on our autonomy with mandatory vaccination, “corporeal appropriation” by government and the questionable ethics of the pharmaceutical industry.

Victor Hugo said, “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” The time has now come to reconsider Hahnemann’s contribution to medicine “for the sake of suffering humanity.”

Available in store and online from Books at One, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo:
And available from Minerva Homeopathic Books, UK:
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