U.S. & Italian Courts: MMR causes autism

MMR and Autism – the Jury’s In

While many are convinced the MMR vaccine “causes” autism, I’m still to be convinced. However, ADHD and similar states I regard differently to autism and may well result from assaults on the brain from one of the many vaccines now routinely administered (29 by 18 months at the last count in Ireland according to our government website). Related to the case discussed here, I am convinced that vaccines cause asthma and have said so in another post.

But a court in the U.S. disagrees with me! I do believe vaccines, all of them, can easily cause various degrees of encephalitis, it doesn’t follow that autism is the result. For more on this brain inflammation see Harris Coulter’s book Vaccination: Social Violence and Criminality.

There are three interesting points in this story. First, the courts paid out to two cases of autism caused by the MMR and secondly, the US government has strangely kept the proceedings under lock and key. The third point is that you won’t read about these poor kids and their compensation in the mainstream media. You can read about it on NaturalNews.com.

Regarding the Italian courts paying out and a University of Pittsburgh study showing a link click here.

Further Reading
Italian researchers find dangerous chemicals in vaccines: “Many vaccines have tiny amounts of inorganic matter, investigation finds”: BMJ.com 

Melanie Carr of the European Medicines Agency doesn’t like the findings (above) and responds but fails to acknowledge in her declaration of interests the EMA receives “89% funding from pharma monies.” BMJ.com (“The BMJ receives £7.5m annually from pharma.”!)

Medical response to Trump requires truth seeking and respect for patients, says research scientist Viera Scheibner in BMJ.com

Andrew Wakefield’s co-accused is exonerated. The judges comments about the GMC’s arraigning of Prof John Walker-Smith are interesting, finds Dr Le Fanu. Link

Since Andrew Wakefield was struck off, autistic children with gut problems have been abandoned. Link

On autism, see the links and book recommendations on my parenting and education website here

When someone becomes infected with a disease for which there is a vaccine, the naïve jump on the unthinking bandwagon and assume they had been vaccinated. They never ask the rational question: were they vaccinated?

Recently a lady in the US died from measles. Again the great and the good assumed she had not been vaccinated; she had. Read a critique of the measles vaccine and this particular case in the prestigious Foreign Policy journal:

A Measles Death, Vaccines, and the Media’s Failure to Inform: There is a discussion to be had about public vaccine policy. The media ought to start having it, by Jeremy R. Hammond (July 5, 2015) Click here for link

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