The Elements of Homeopathy

The Elements Of Homoeopathy by Dr P. Sankaran The Elements Of Homoeopathy - Volume 1

A colleague of mine tells me that while working as a doctor in a hospital in Bombay, a patient of his was dying from a carcinoma of the lung. She was in her seventies. They gave her a few days to live. The relatives called in Rajan Sankaran who took the case in great detail, prescribed for her and within one week she was walking around, within two months the CT scan showed no sign of a tumour! Subsequently a huge medical conference was held regarding this case.

What made Rajan such a competent homoeopath was growing up under the tutelage of his father, Dr.P. Sankaran. P. Sankaran was an allopath who converted to homoeopathy – and became a competent and well respected one too. As well as being a good prescriber (taught by the well known Dr. Phatak) he wrote many articles, notes, conducted numerous provings and taught internationally. This information and experience has now been gathered and edited into one collection; The Elements Of Homoeopathy in two volumes. Unlike previous experiences of Indian books, this is a well bound hardback with good quality paper and print.

These volumes contain something of interest on every subject pertaining to homoeopathy; provings, materia medica, philosophy, repertorisation techniques (particularly regarding the every useful though neglected Boger’s Synoptic Key and examples of cases worked out with this method), prophylactics, even rubric cross- references. Vol.II looks more at the practicalities – and difficulties of practice as well as the scope and limitations of homoeopathy.

This is an enjoyable and informative read. It’s one of those books you can pick up any time, read a relevant section and return to it. We have much to learn from these dedicated and conscientious practitioners. While there is a lot of rubbish written, this is one of the good books. Read good books! After all the many years of experience shared with us here, P. Sankaran offers us some useful advice. I’II quote it for what it’s worth. It’s from the chapter ” Do’s and Don’ts”:

Do not offer advice or medicines unless you are asked; the value of anything that is given free is generally not well received. Do not ring up and enquire about the patient. Let the patient and his relatives inform you themselves. Refrain from offering your patient any refreshments in your consulting rooms. Also, avoid accepting any drink or food in the patients’s house while there for professional work. Do not tell lies to the patient. If he comes to know he will never trust any word that comes from your mouth. Do not criticise any doctor. If the patient criticises any doctor, try to defend or at least keep quiet. The patient who criticises someone today will criticise you tomorrow. If any doctor has committed any mistake do not comment on it. We ourselves make many mistakes unknowingly. Do not make any contract with the patient. Do not give any guarantee to the patient bacause you cannot guarantee even your own life.  Do not boast. Let your actions speak. Do not criticise hardly any other system of medicine. Subscribe to good journals and read them. Good books are good investments. Always have a receptive mind. Ever be ready to appreciate, learn and understand. Learn from everyone, everywhere, from every source, from every incident. Learn, apply and utilise. Life is a glorious opportunity. Utilise the opportunity to the maximum so that we can say at the end as Hahnemann said, “Non inutilis vixi” (I did not live in vain).

Further Information
Sankaran’s Clinic

Sankaran’s Academy and Clinic: The Other Song

For books visit Minerva or Homeopathy Supplies Ireland

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