Praxis: Notes From The Second Three-Year International Postgraduate Course In Bologna, Italy. Dr Massimo Mangialavori
Dr Massimo has been running this post-grad course in Bologna, Italy for a number of years where he shares not only his breadth of experience but also his depth of knowledge and perception (see accompanying article by Dr Sabastiaan Van Eyenatten)ยน. There are three sessions per year and Vicky Burley has published her notes (with Massimo’s knowledge I’m assume when they are mentioned on his web site) from three sessions. The two I’ve reviewed are the first session in October 2002 and the third session in February 2003. The Session I notes; “Remaining In A Safe Environment: The Sea Remedies” begins with some philosophy about the tree stump and challenges to be aware as to the way we view something as simple as a tree stump and how we interpret that information. One thing I like about Massimo’s teaching is that it is based on his experience and each remedy he teaches is backed up by at least two cases each having at least two years follow-up.
In the first session remedies such as sea animals; Spongia, Corallium, Medusa, Asterias, Limulus, Homarus, Badiaga, Gadus, Oleum jecoris, Venus, Murex and other such remedies from our everyday practise! With the sea animals Massimo gives an evolutionary twist to the story. He continues with other sea remedies from minerals like Natrum brom, the calciums, Halogen salts and a comparison of Aqua marina and Natrum mur.
Vicky manages to give some photographs of remedies although I’m not sure how well she presents Massimo’s background information on each substance but remains informative. Volume I does have a number of spelling mistakes which are not evident in volume II. The cases are well described although I was left thinking that they could have been grounded with more rubrics or more case histories which aren’t presented with every remedy or perhaps only one case for a remedy. I was glad however to be introduced to Aqua marina.
The second session brings us to the world of “Unreliable Basic Support: Silica-Like And Magnesium-Like” remedies. This according to Massimo is the theme of these two families. As well as silica salts and plant remedies which contain a high silica content, similarly remedies of magnesium salts and substances with high magnesium content are presented.
1. Originally published in the Homeopathic Times
Further Reading
Dr Massimo’s website:
Booksellers: Minerva (UK) and Narayana-Verlag (Euro)